Thursday, November 17, 2011

Have u ever?

Have u ever been in a situation were u feel like u have no say so in anything?
Have u ever felt like no matter what u do u are always goin to be wrong?
Have u ever thought about just giving up on everything?
Have u ever felt like u needed to sit down n just cry?
That is how i feel right now. I know that if i say the things i want to say or do the things that i want to do that im just goin to end up messing everything up. just like i all ways do. Whats wrong with me? How come i cant get it right? How come things never turn out the way that i picture them in my head? Is it me? Am i the problem? Maybe ill figure it out one day. Maybe ill do something right one day but i know that days isn't goin to come anytime soon.

Friday, October 14, 2011

2 wrongs don't make a right.

       Have you ever done something really bad after you told yourself and all your friends and family that you wouldn't do it again? I did and now I'm back in the same situation that i told myself i would never get put in again. Last year i was attending Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College (NEO), and the first semester went great. I was going to class, i had good grades, and i was playing football; life was great. Then the second semester started and everything went down hill from there. I got really unmotivated to go to class. I would wake up in the morning and go to breakfast check, but instead of going to class i went to my room and went back to sleep until it was time for practice. i did that everyday for the first three maybe four months of the semester. By the time i talked to some friends and got a little motivated to go to class it was to late cause i had missed to much class. My instructors did let me turn in a little bit of work so i finished the year with all D's. when the coaches seen my grades they told me that i couldn't play football any more. I lost a full ride football scholarship because i wanted to sleep the second semester.
       When i came home for the summer everybody was mad at me and told me that i could do better. I told myself that i wouldn't let that happen to me again. I told myself that when i go back to school that i was going to actually go to school. The summer ended and i decided to attend OCCC instead of going back to NEO because that was to far of a drive. When this semester started i was happy to be back in school. I was going to class everyday for the first couple of weeks. Then one day i didn't wake up. That one day turned into two, then two turned into three, and before i knew it i had missed two weeks of class. I told myself that i can't let this happen again yet i continued to let this happen. It has been almost a month since i have been to school, and its not because i was hurt or something happened i was just being lazy. Now i have to try my hardest to catch up so that i don't have all bad grades like i did last semester.
       There is plenty of things that i can blame my situation. I could say that i slacked off i was tired, or i didn't go to class because i didn't like the instructor. There are things that could be said but it all comes down to ME. I didn't do it because i didn't want to. I'm starting to think that school is not for me.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

the answer

To find the answer to the riddle you have to spell out each number.
two has three letters, three has five letters, five has four letters, and four has four letters.
pretty simple if you think about it.

a random thought

I got a riddle for everybody. This is a riddle that me and my friends have been tellin people for years. the answer is simple if you think about it. Here it goes. 2 is 3, 3 is 5, 5 is 4, and 4 is for ever. Can you figure it out?